Jordan Lake. Even the Bald Eagles are showing the effects of the high humid temperatures. Birds don’t have sweat glands. Bald eagles, like dogs, pant to help get rid of body heat. You can see this eagle’s tongue as it’s working to cool itself off. I have seen ospreys, vultures, hawks and song birds all panting to dissipate heat. Not easy weather for anything that is out and about.

Jordan Lake. Early this morning I was on my way over to the boat ramps when I saw a pair of deer ahead. I quietly coasted to a stop, rolled the window down on my truck and took this video of them having their breakfast. Hope you enjoy their leisurely browsing!

Jordan Lake. Foraging together along the shoreline of the lake was a striking pair of birds. One was a very brilliantly white great egret and the other was a very colorful male mallard. The great egret was the first one Captain Doug and I had seen this season.

Jordan Lake. First Nest. Captain Doug and I had slowly circled the First Nest cove and had not seen any bald eagles – adult or fledglings. We turned to float back out of the cove when out of a very very tall tree popped one of the fledglings. It was sure good to see it out flying as if it owned the skies!

Jordan Lake. Mom bald eagle brought a rather large fish to Captain’s Nest. Within minutes one of her fledglings showed up to claim it. Mom had removed and probably eaten the fish’s head before the nest delivery. Now the fledgling has to figure out how to lay the fish down, put a foot on it and tear a piece off in order to eat.